Let’s be blunt: Greece has been in a shithole for a while
now and cannot feasibly get out for a while as long as it shoulders its current
debt. This
article from Foreign Affairs states that it would take years, if not
decades, to produce a balanced budget, let alone start reducing the debt at a .
It quips:
To achieve a
sustainable path, Greece must start reducing the ratio of its national debt to
GDP. This will be virtually impossible as long as
Greece's real GDP is declining. Basic
budget arithmetic implies that even if Greece's real GDP starts growing at two
percent (up from the current seven percent real rate of decline) and inflation
is at the ECB target of two percent, the deficit must still not exceed six
percent of GDP if the debt ratio is to stop increasing. Since the
interest alone on the debt is now about six percent of GDP, the rest of the
Greek budget must be brought into balance from its current three percent
Cutting the interest bill in
half and simultaneously balancing the rest of the budget would reduce the ratio
only very slowly, from 150 percent now to 145 percent after a year, even if no
payments to bank depositors and other creditors were required. It is not clear
that financial markets will wait while Greece walks along this fiscal tightrope
to a sustainable debt ratio well below 100 percent.
However, it would take even longer to resume economic growth
and reach a level of unemployment that is anywhere
close to normal because austerity severely
depresses economic growth, which also depresses tax revenues. This creates a
vicious cycle that risks making the government too small to function
Ironically, Greece
has been in default for half of its history as an independent state. It may
be time to let it partially default yet again. Here is my premise: after default,
if Greeks were presented a choice between a HUGE carrot and a HUGE stick, then
they will use their common sense.
My proposal has three
Restructure all Greek debt over 80% of
GDP. Given the small
size of Greece's economy relative to the Eurozone, this is bearable and more
efficient than endless bailouts that won't
be paid back for at least a decade. The ECB and the IMF should be first in
forgiving their holdings of Greek debt; any remainder should fall towards
private creditors, who were well aware
of the risks of investing in Greek bonds. To avoid financial contagion, the ECB
should stand ready to allow banks breathing room and help construct firewalls.
the Greeks to borrow cheaply from the ECB (at AAA levels) under two conditions.
First, Greece must aggressively pursue
long-term structural reforms and crack down on tax evasion. This would
simultaneously increase international competitiveness and open up an important
source of revenue.
Second, Greece should be allowed to
follow short-term stimulus in infrastructure and other productive spending. What exactly that
entails is unclear, but some form of debt relief would be desirable to increase
demand and consumption. This would be combined with medium-term moderate austerity
through cutting the bloated public sector and privatizing inefficient public
services whilst continuing efficient infrastructure spending (this is
important!). Finally, in the long-term,
moderate cuts in more important parts
of the budget will be made to help achieve a balanced budget.
The timeline is debatable, but here’s
a guideline: the short term would encompass 1-2 years; the medium term would
extend across 3-5 years; and the long term would be any point when unemployment
falls below a tolerant level. Considering current economic weakness, let’s set
that at 10%.
While Greece is indeed the only country that borrowed beyond its
means for the past decade (unlike the rest of the demeaning term “PIIGS,”)
austerity will still have adverse effects on economic growth. The key is to
turn around the deep economic recession and restore economic growth, which
would by itself increase governmental revenues.
3. You
might wonder if a moral hazard might occur if Greece were suddenly relieved of
pressure. It’s a valid concern, and this is where the third part kicks in: should
the Greeks refuse to do enough, the debt held by the ECB and IMF will be “unforgiven”
and all external support will be
withdrawn until the Greeks relents. If they miraculously limp on without defaulting
after two months, they should be kicked out of euro and not let in until they
agree to the conditions set above!
You might be skeptical that
Greece would cooperate because motivation and incentives
often defy carrots and sticks. Sadly, that’s probably true. Many things can
go wrong with this particular plan, and the moral hazard might not be
sufficiently eliminated.
However, I believe that
when Greece is presented with vastly different
approaches depending on its behavior rather than a bad choice and a worse
choice, it would be more likely to cooperate. Moreover, Greece is in such a deep
hole right now that this is an impossible problem with virtually no practical solutions.
If you want to bring up
additional concerns with this plan or believe in an alternative solution,
comment below! =P
Additional reading:
There have been many amazing articles published by
Foreign Affairs on the Eurozone over the past year. So many that listing them
all would probably take up a full page! Just search with the keyword “Greece,” “Eurozone,”
“Germany,” or “Italy” and let the enlightenment begin!
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